Hi there Tragics: I thought I would take a moment to send in a photo of our workshop with a 'Triple Treat' of Ténérés being prepared for this year's big ride. There's my 1200 waiting for a heap of goodies to be fitted; Col's '86 ZS getting some TLC; and Pete's '83 600 undergoing major surgery. There have been much fun and games with time constraints based around work and parts availability making for interesting scenarios as to when these bikes actually be ready to ride!
Best regards and we'll see you all at the Mountain.
-- Dave Readford, Ténéré Tragic #21
Now Dave, we have ultimate faith in you and all the boys there at Readford's Motorcycles in Dubbo getting that mighty trio of Ténérés ship-shape for this year's Tragics Run. Look forward to seeing you in Bathurst.
-- Clubby, Ténéré Tragic #1
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